That Party That One Night

A Film by Mylissa Fitzsimmons

Socially and sexually awkward teenager Melissa finds herself alone with her crush after being ditched by her friends at a party one night. 

Writer / Director
Mylissa Fitzsimmons

Kristen Murtha

Executive Producers
Allen Murray, The Bureau of Creative Works, Justin James Walsh, & Zachary M. Bradly Jr.

Director of Photography
Pedro Avila

Jaffe Zinn

Production Designer
Kerri Fernsworth

Key Cast
Melanie Neilan as Melissa, Evan Crooks as Cole, Christine Lekas as Meadow, Sterling Hoch as Matt, Anwar Mitchell as Brian

Mike Ambs

I love to film things, tell stories, and read on the subway. I'm pretty sure blue whales are my power animal.

Sleep Tight