Our goals are simple, discover and support talented filmmakers, and spark a conversation around the importance of indie films.

What We Look For
For us, all filmmaking comes down to a director's ability to correctly anticipate an audience's emotional response. That holds true for filmmakers creating films with a $200 budget or a $2m budget. We respond to films that feel in control, to filmmakers whose unique voice comes through loud and clear in their work.
Distribute your work (publicly or privately) anywhere.
No contract
You can remove your work at any time for any reason.
The Bureau library is accessible to members worldwide..
Selected films join a library of award-winning independent work from filmmakers all over the world.
Guidelines & Requirements
Films need to be at least 2 minutes.
Filmmakers must have rights and releases.
No premiere status required.
We accept all films except for music videos.
What We Avoid
Rules are made to be broken, there is no list we follow when looking at your work. Generally speaking, we do not accept promotional pieces (however it is more than okay if your work is branded), strictly visual pieces (think background visuals to concerts), time-lapse photography, one-minute comedy sketches.
Refund Policy
Please be sure you want your film to be considered for the Bureau library before submitting. Unfortunately, we cannot refund a submission fee once submitted. The fee helps cover the cost and time of consideration and research, by no means does submitting guarantee that your work will be a good fit for the Bureau at this time.
Frequently asked questions
How soon will I be notified?
You will be notified within a month of submitting. If your film is selected for the Bureau library we will collaborate on an ideal release date.
If selected, how is my film promoted?
The Bureau announces upcoming films on our social profiles, and newsletter, also we share stills of your film as well as a teaser/trailer on our YouTube, Vimeo, VHX channels to help drive awareness. Ultimately, we expect each filmmaker to work with us to help get the word out.
If my film is selected for the Bureau library, do I automatically get the Bureau grant?
No, grants are provided to filmmakers with work within the Bureau library on a selected basis. The availability of production funds are dependent on a combination of audience involvement and relationships with 'Producing Partners'.
My film is making the rounds at festivals, does the Bureau interfere with eligibility?
If there is a festival you are submitting to, it is best practice to review their rules or ask the programmers directly about eligibility.
Does the Bureau provide feedback?
We currently are not able to offer in-depth feedback at this time, but do hope to do so in the future. All the same, we make every effort to get to know filmmakers and their body of work. We greatly appreciate you sharing your film with us and love being introduced to new faces.
Are international films eligible?
Yes, we accept films from all over the world. However, non-english films must also include captions suitable for an American audience. International caption files encouraged.
Do you offer submission fee waivers?
Not at this time.