Filmmaking as an Educational Tool
Oakley Anderson-Moore joins Mylissa Fitzsimmons in her home-studio to discuss 'That Party That One Night', an original short film written and directed by Mylissa, inspired by a mix of John Hughes and her own awkward adolescence.
BTS - behind the scenes photographs on set of Mylissa Fitzsimmons' That Party That One Night. Executive Produced by Allen Murray and The BUREAU. Wardrobe provided by The Quiet Life.
Super 8 Skateboarding Films and the Secret Lives of Suburban Moms
The deeper you look into Mylissa's past work, the more her unique confidence comes as no surprise. Growing up in Oregon, Mylissa funded her early Super 8 skateboarding films by selling her concert photography, often getting past security by posing as local press.

The BUREAU is Proud to Welcome
Today, The BUREAU is making public the final two filmmakers selected to join our inaugural year program. We are proud to welcome Mylissa Fitzsimmons and Xavier Neal-Burgin to The BUREAU of CREATIVE WORKS.