Super 8 Skateboarding Films and the Secret Lives of Suburban Moms
Mylissa Fitzsimmons' work can be challenging to describe -- not because its subjects or approach are abstract, but -- there is something between the frames of her filmmaking that can only be described as "confidence". Confidence to hold the frame, confidence in the quiet performances, confidence in the tone and story. Each of these details on their own might go unnoticed, but together they add up to something subtle and powerful, and as a result her work stood out immediately.
Though, the deeper you look into Mylissa's past work, the more her unique confidence comes as no surprise. Growing up in Oregon, Mylissa funded her early Super 8 skateboarding films by selling her concert photography, often getting past security by posing as local press. At only 18, she directed her first short documentary, 'The Secret Lives of Suburban Moms', exposing a small town culture of drug dealing and infinitely, a film that ultimately got her run out of town. She moved to L.A. and made a place for herself making music videos, documentaries and curating for exhibitions and galleries.
Over the last few years her focus has shifted toward writing, producing and directing narrative films under her fledgling production company, Hello Charles - which Mylissa hopes will be,
“...A place where me and all my creative friends can come together and work together and collaborate together... so maybe it’s more of a collective then a traditional production company. Also Charles is the name of my imaginary friend from childhood and nothing reminds me more to keep an active imagination than childhood. ”
Her short film 'MERCY' is the first film produced under Hello Charles and currently making the festival rounds - Mylissa admits people either love it or hate it - which may be what makes it so wonderful.
There is such a push and pull on every level of this film and a wonderfully snarky underbelly. The visual style alone pulled me in with attention to detail that highlighted the awkward moments and grounded the film in others. I can't wait for this film to live online for everyone to see.
'Long Way Home' is the only one of Mylissa's films that you can watch in it's entirety online, right now, and it is a well paced and insightful depiction of a married couple that has reached a breaking point in their relationship. The characters, and the story, have an honesty that makes you feel like they aren't the only ones that spent the night in turmoil - it's exhausting, and beautiful.
Mylissa's recent leap into narrative filmmaking has produced 'MERCY' and 'Long Way Home' and we were so excited that she shared her work with us. All of her recent films have been made on a true shoestring budget, films like Mylissa's are exactly what The BUREAU had in mind when we started our collective. We are eager to see what she makes under The BUREAU.