Things Would Be Different

A film by Kerri Fernsworth Feazell

A happily married woman wonders if she could be happier.

This film is all truth. But of course, you can never get the whole story. With that perspective in mind, I believe so strongly in the power of the story we tell ourselves about our choices - this is what we have to hang onto. And — equally — I believe that each version of the story is valid and worth examining. I share stories because I want to be connected to others. The real power of a shared story and newly shared perspective is that we can be relieved our loneliness. This is my personal mission.

Written and Directed by
Kerri Fernsworth Feazell

Produced by
Jeff Feazell and Kerri Fernsworth Feazell

Cinematography by
Gareth Taylor

Amy Bury, Andrew Heder, Morgan Christensen, and Grace Harryman

Mike Ambs

I love to film things, tell stories, and read on the subway. I'm pretty sure blue whales are my power animal.

Cowboy Joe


Snakes in the Water