Q&A with Andy Fisher


A conversation with Andy Fisher, the Emmy-nominated filmmaker behind ‘Lucky’.

When you decided to make this short film, where did you start?

With a producer. The person who does all of the thankless work to actually get a film going. All the stuff a writer/director is either too afraid or (let's be honest) too lazy to deal with. Enter Trevor Duvall.

He found the location which was such a huge part of our film. I got goosebumps just pulling up to the gate. He found a deal on the special anamorphic lenses I wanted to use. He drove the rented camera gear to and from set everyday. He figured out how to gas up the wardrobe trailer so our actors wouldn't melt. He was like a dad on vacation trying to keep his family from giving up.

It's funny, I wrote the script, I asked Trevor to help me make it, but it took his tenacity to convince me it was actually worth doing. I'm old and easily swayed to stay at home and shut up - but Trevor kept me upright.

What kind of hurdles do you face as a filmmaker working in short film?

The big question is always "Why?" I don't have a good answer. There isn't a built-in audience for cinematic short films. People want to watch iguanas farting in a bathtub - not an odd, dark, silent, western. I don't make shorts as a means to sell a feature idea. I should! But that's not me. I like making shorts because those are the type of ideas that come out of me. Little ones.

But I also want people to see it. Yes, I am fulfilled simply by making it. I love it. It's part of me, and I am very proud of it. But if no one else sees it then you haven't actually given it life. So that's the hurdle. I make short films because I can't not make them - I have to make them. I love making them. But, I also want the validation of someone watching it and best case - liking it. But that is never guaranteed. Especially when you make a strange little movie involving a lot of cow poop.

What projects are you working on next, and how can people who are interested best support or share that work?

More shorts! I have some more little ideas kicking around in my head. I typically work on a few ideas at once until one captures my imagination more than the others.

I hope to collaborate again with people I really enjoy. My cast and crew on LUCKY was such a joy to be around and reminded me that this filmmaking thing should be fun.

Mike Ambs

I love to film things, tell stories, and read on the subway. I'm pretty sure blue whales are my power animal. 


Q&A with Nick Borenstein


Have Had, and to Love a Stranger