Daniel Patrick Carbone
“The BUREAU feels like a natural next step in short-form filmmaking - one that celebrates the traditions of cinematic short films, while embracing the modern tools that allow for easier collaboration between artists, and a more seamless transition from filmmaker to audience.”
Daniel Patrick Carbone's work often feels very internalized - as though you're watching less a film, and more experiencing a memory of a place or a time you've since forgot. The images and the way in which they come together truly seem a result of years of turning-over. Still, there is, of course, an instinct at work here, filmmaking is always full of unexpected challenges and snap-decisions, but "instinct" feels too immediate a word for the way in which all the pieces come together. And this perception is not lost on Daniel, in his Director's Statement for 'Hide Your Smiling Faces' his debut feature film, he writes,
“In some ways, [Hide Your Smiling Faces] has been in pre-production since I was a child. Some of my earliest memories provided inspiration for the events that these characters go through, many dating back almost 20 years.”
His earlier short films have screened at film festivals including New Orleans, Marfa, Seoul International - winning him the 2008 Warner Bros Film Award, and multiple NYU First Run awards. He was a 2012 selectee for the IFP Narrative Labs program for HYSF, which a year later went onto premiere at Tribeca and Berlin.
Although much of Daniel's work is in narrative films, he is currently in post-production on a feature documentary called, 'Phantom Cowboys', a story that joins the lives of three young boys, living in three different rural, recession-torn towns, each struggling with becoming a "man", despite their unknown futures and lack of resources.
With such a range in his past work, it's hard to anticipate what exactly Daniel will create through The BUREAU - whatever it is, we do know it will be beautiful, thought-provoking, and leave a lasting impression on those who see it.
Reward Tiers Specific to Daniel
If you love Daniel's work and want to support him directly, and his short film contribution to The BUREAU, please consider backing his reward tier on our kickstarter campaign . Daniel will be curating a kickass playlist for you - we love playlists, they are such a great way to share new music and connect with new people!
The BUREAU is an endeavor close to all our hearts, we are acting to make change and bring to life 12 original short films. If you can't donate, please help us spread the word about this project - it's going to be awesome and we need your help to make it happen :)
Limited availability on Dan's playlist, so act fast!